10 cancer symptoms that should not be ignored

10 Types Of Cancer Symptoms That Should Not Be Ignored 1000x438

When pain or illness occurs in the body, just because it seems minor to you, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be taken seriously. New research shows that even common ailments may be the first warning signs of cancer.

In a survey of 1,729 British adults over 50 years of age, published in the journal Plus One, a list of 17 diseases was found that were 10 symptoms of cancer. They also pointed out how to deal with any of these symptoms if someone has recently experienced them.

It has been found that many people do not pay enough attention to the warning signs, says Katrina Whittaker, a senior researcher from the University of London and the researcher of the survey: “Some people think that these signs are not so serious, and the thought of cancer does not even cross their mind.”

While for the vast majority of people these warning signs aren’t cancer, for a few they may be, and that’s why seeing a doctor as soon as possible can save your life, says Whittaker. Even if you have at least one of these symptoms, see a doctor. Here are 10 serious symptoms of cancer.


1. Bumps and lumps

It is best to have any strange lumps checked by a doctor. In this survey, 7.5% of unexplained mass cases were reported. Meanwhile, 67% of people contacted their doctor and 77% thought it was not a very important symptom.


2. Coughing or hoarseness

If it’s not cold and flu season, a cough can be a warning sign. If your cough continues, it can indicate larynx, lung or thyroid cancer, or lymph cancer. This was the most common symptom among the survey participants.

“We know coughs and colds are everywhere right now, and we don’t recommend that anyone go to the doctor with a cough, but if you have symptoms that don’t go away or are unusual, don’t be afraid to see your doctor,” Whittaker said.

Coughing Or Hoarseness


3. Change in bowel movements

In Whittaker’s study, 18% of people experienced changes in the timing, size, or amount of bowel movements. Although these disorders are usually caused by the consumption of certain foods or drugs, if you notice that this process does not go away in the long term, it may be a sign of colon cancer.


4. Change in bladder activity

Since urinary tract infections are common in women, this symptom is often overlooked. But whether you are a man or a woman, if you have symptoms such as blood in your urine, sudden urination, or pain while walking, definitely see your doctor rule out the possibility of bladder, kidney, or prostate cancer.

Change In Bladder Activity

5. Inexplicable pain

Constant pain in the body indicates a problem, and it can be a sign of any kind of disease, bone cancer, or ovarian cancer. The American Cancer Society says that cancer pain generally means that the disease has spread and that’s when you should feel at risk and make an appointment with your doctor.

One of the remarkable findings in Whittaker’s research was that only about 40% of the people in this study were concerned about the pain they were suffering and considered it a serious problem.


6. A long sore throat

A sore throat may just be caused by the winter cold, but its persistence can be a more serious problem, such as laryngeal cancer and throat cancer. Almost 78% of people did not think that their throat problems were serious.

A Long Sore Throat


7. Abnormal weight loss

According to the American Cancer Society, weight loss of 5 kilos or more without any reason can be the first sign of cancer. This is one of the most common warning signs of pancreatic, stomach, lung, or esophageal cancer.


8. Difficulty in swallowing

Throat congestion, although not very common in this study, can indicate a problem in the nervous system or immune system, including cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or throat.

Difficulty In Swallowing


9. Bleeding

Coughing up blood can be a symptom of cancer. Blood in the stool can also be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. Women who experience unexplained vaginal bleeding should be evaluated for cervical or endometrial cancer.

Bloody discharge from the nipples is a sign of breast cancer, and blood in the urine can mean that you have bladder or kidney cancer. Abnormal bleeding can occur during all stages of cancer and warrants a visit to the doctor.

10. Changes in skin moles

In this survey, it is stated that only 47% of the people who noticed changes in their moles or warts went to the doctor.

What raises the concern is that 88% of people did not pay attention to these deformed moles and warts, because they did not consider it a serious sign, but these changes can indicate skin cancer, which in many cases can be treated.

Changes In Skin Moles

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