7 Lifestyle changes to treat back pain

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There are millions of products that are guaranteed to cure your back pain. But I’ve found that changing my daily habits has a lasting impact, and many of these changes are easy and accessible.

In this article, we’ll discuss about 7 Lifestyle changes to treat back pain.

1. Do not sit for more than 45 minutes

Over the past years, the “one-seat habit” has become a viral ritual. The bottom line is that our sedentary lifestyle, which is progressing, is killing us more than almost all human-produced toxins and epidemics.

Early humans were more mobile, but our daily life takes us from bed to chair, from there to car, from car to chair, and again from chair to couch! When I first learned about the dangers of sitting, I assumed that getting in the habit of moderate, gentle exercise would offset some of the effects of laziness.

Still, a new study shows that hours spent sitting are the number one cause of death and that a few days In the week, before starting to sit in front of the computer for 8 hours non-stop, you participate in mass bike sessions, it is not very useful and decisive.

When your body stays in one position for more than 45 minutes, your brain stabilizes that position. Sitting causes some of your muscles to shorten, and if this posture stabilizes, your body axis will curve and you will be reclined when you stand. So, set a timer on your phone to get up and walk around the room every hour. You can use the excuse of filling your water glass.


2. Make a better place for your back

One of the best things I’ve done for my back in a long time was to replace my terrible reclining chair with a very good ergonomic office model. Most reclining chairs aren’t necessarily pretty and you’re paying more for function than looks. The result is that I spend less time on this chair and therefore the money I paid for it has given me a good and useful return.

Remember the angles of your body; Your arms and legs should be at a 90-degree angle and your line of sight should be straight ahead, not bent down. Some people need to raise their monitor and lower the keyboard. If your chair is too high, you can put something under your feet for balance.

Make A Better Place For Your Back


3. Strengthen your pelvis

The pelvis, in particular, is the base of the spine and supports it in a way that you cannot support it with many other exercises. Pilates is a wonderful exercise for many of these sore muscles.

Strengthening the core is the best way to keep the spine in proper alignment. If you are one of those people who constantly drop your lower back, you should take the time to strengthen this area.


4. Sleep on your back

There is a special rating for the sleeping position, which indicates its relationship with the health of the body. Sleeping on the stomach is the worst sleeping position because there is no support for the body, especially on a soft mattress, and gravity causes the spine to curve.

Sleeping on your back is somewhat better, especially if there is a pillow between your legs. But the best position for body alignment is to sleep on the back.

Place a pillow or bolster under your knees and rest your arms at your sides or on your stomach. It will take some time to get used to this position, but at least try to fall asleep in this position and then leave yourself free to change your position throughout the night.

Sleep On Your Back


5. Walk with soft and comfortable knees

Stiffening your knees reduces blood flow to your legs and tightens your muscles. When you stand, try to moderate your body and allow your knees to be soft and flexible. Maintain this posture while walking and exercising.


6. Avoid wearing high heels as much as you can

High heels are not only hard on your feet, but also cause your mid-body balance to fall forward and put pressure on your lower back.

Wearing high heels all the time can shorten your calf muscles, and when you walk barefoot or wear sneakers, you will be crooked. If you wear high heels at work, try to change your habit and wear sneakers or flats when commuting and sitting at your desk.

Avoid Wearing High Heels


7. Release the stress

Dr. John Sarno has written extensively on the effect of the mind on the back. Unconsciously, when we are stressed, we tighten and contract different parts of the body.

If you have a problem with your back and at the same time experience a lot of anxiety in your life, it is worth using meditation or other relaxation techniques to release inner tensions.

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